Awesome user interface

Crowd discussion
The Bubble Flow is a an exclusive innovation, a graphical user interface (widget) that allows discussion on a large scale and enhances cleanliness and readability. Users have the ability to like, react and reply to each individual comment and navigate throughout the tree of discussions.
Quality discussions
The Bubble Rank algorithm allows the most relevant discussions to always be displayed first. The messages and their responses are sorted from most relevant to least relevant, from top to bottom and left to right to display the most interesting ones first.

Live Discussions

Automatic registration

Community profiles


Notification Center

Media embedding

Sliding Sidebar Panel

Discussion Sharing

Text formatting

Badges and awards
Digital publishers

WordPress Full integration

Easy administration


Easy installation


Import old comments

Editorialize & Pin best discussions

Community relationship management

Top Widget (comments, articles)

Counter Widget

Smart Moderation

Keyword alerts

Restricted right to comment


Spam protection

Data & SEO
SEO Friendly
Ability to control indexing of your content by search engines. Microformat, nofollow links, indexable user pages.
Structured Data
We structure the content of your pages with meta data to increase the search optimization results.
User comments legacy
Your users keep all their comments in one place and should become famous for them. They take credit for it and manage it easily
Data Access & Ownership
Your data is always protected and always yours. Our platform is based on a powerful infrastructure of dedicated servers in France.
Direct Links
Social sharing links (Yak.li) point directly to your URLs—no duplication on GraphComment.com
Real-time commenting enhances the "freshness" factor and raises the profile of your pages.